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Osprey Publishing The Wars of Atlantis

Osprey Publishing The Wars of Atlantis

14,50 Iva esente

Spese di trasporto:
A partire da € 5,33Maggiori dettagli
Cod. art.: OSP80932
Disponibilità: Non disponibile



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On the very edge of recorded history, the fabled island of Atlantis formed the centre of a vast and powerful empire. From there, the divinely-descended lords of the western ocean made war on the rest of the world, until a brave resistance drove them back, and the gods punished them for their hubris. In that last cataclysmic struggle between gods and mortals, the whole island continent sank beneath the sea. For the first time, this book reconstructs the fact and fiction of that lost age of gods and heroes, including the political organization of the Atlantean Empire, the equipment and tactics of the armies of Atlantis and their enemies, and the stories of the great wars themselves, from the early struggles between Atlantean colonies and the Amazons of North Africa to the final and catastrophic counter-invasion of Atlantis by the peoples of Europe and Asia.
Biographical Note
Phil Masters has a degree in Economics from Cambridge University and spent a few years as a computer programmer before somehow becoming a full-time author and occasional editor, specialising in roleplaying games material. Over the last thirty years or so, along with a number of magazine articles, he has written or contributed to numerous books and is currently line editor for the Transhuman Space hard SF roleplaying setting from the latter company.Jose Daniel Cabrera Peña is a Spanish painter, born in Granada in 1978. He studied Architecture at university and has worked as a cover artist and illustrator for historical publications. Rocío Espín Piñar is a Spanish illustrator born in Granada in 1979. She has worked as an illustrator for several independent publishers as well as the Junta de Andalucía. She is currently pursuing her doctorate in architecture.


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