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Osprey Publishing Italian Armoured Reconnaissance Cars 1911-45

Osprey Publishing Italian Armoured Reconnaissance Cars 1911-45

14,50 Iva esente

Spese di trasporto:
A partire da € 5,33Maggiori dettagli
Cod. art.: OSP82433
Disponibilità: Non disponibile



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The first Italian armoured cars were used in the war in Libya in 1911-12 against the Ottoman Empire. With few tanks being developed, the Italians relied instead on the development of more mobile armoured cars like the Ansaldo Lancia 1 Z, during World War I, but post-war the army, focusing on the Alpine battlegrounds of Italy's northern borders, did not consider armoured cars suitable for reconnaissance duties.

The experience of the Spanish Civil War would provide the much needed last push for the Italians to develop modern armoured cars. The result were the famous AB 41-43 models, which fought against the British in North Africa and Marshall Tito's forces in Yugoslavia, along with other vehicles such as the AS 36 light armoured car.

Using detailed colour plates and contemporary photographs, this book examines the development of the Italian armoured car in the two world wars and the inter-war years, from the deserts of North Africa to the slopes of the Alps.
Biographical Note
Filippo Cappellano is a lieutenant-colonel of the Fanteria Carrista (tank corps) currently serving at the army historical branch (Ufficio Storico Esercito) in Rome. He is the author of several books and essays on the history of weapons, organization and tactics of the Italian army in the 20th century. He frequently collaborates with Italy's defence industries and military history journals.Pier Paolo Battistelli earned his PhD in Military History at the University of Padua. A scholar of German and Italian politics and strategy throughout World War II, he is active in Italy and abroad writing titles and essays on military history subjects. A contributor to the Italian Army Historical Office, he is currently revising his PhD thesis for publication: The War of the Axis: German and Italian Military Partnership in World War Two, 1939-1943. He lives in Foligno, Italy.
Early armoured cars, 1911?35
Interwar design and development: the Fiat 611 and the AB 40
The AB 41?43 armoured cars
AB 41?43 development: the Sahariana
Reconnaissance and armoured personnel carriers
Field conversions and captured vehicles
Field conversions and captured vehicles


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