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Elenco completo »

Pike & Shotte Epic Battle - Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army

Pike & Shotte Epic Battle - Montrose's Scottish Royalists Starter Army

€ 96,00 Sconto 10%

86,40 Iva inclusa (22%)

Spese di trasporto:
A partire da € 6,50Maggiori dettagli
Cod. art.: 212013005
Disponibilità: Disponibile



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Prodotto da assemblare e dipingere, colla e colori non inclusi

The Royalist Scots army of Montrose has always been a favourite with wargamers. A small force almost entirely dependent on its infantry, this army was usually outnumbered, but rarely outfought on the battlefield. The Irish Brigade and Highland clans give the army its unique feel, and the limited access to good cavalry and artillery make it somewhat unorthodox, but all the more iconic for it.

3 regiments of 80 combined pike & musket (plastic)
1 Scots Covenanter regiment of 80 combined pike & musket (plastic)
1 Scots Covenanter frame gun (plastic)
1 mounted Scots Covenanter battalia commander (plastic)
5 dismounted Scots Dragoons (plastic)
4 regiments of 40 Highland Clansmen (Warlord Resin)
3 mounted battalia commanders (plastic)
3 ensigns (plastic)
20 harquebusier cavalry (plastic)
8 commanded shot (plastic)
4 Cuirassiers (plastic)
2 mounted cornet (plastic)
6 Dragoons (plastic)
10 dismounted Dragoons (plastic)
2 Saker medium guns (plastic)
2 Falconet light guns (plastic)
The Marquis of Montrose (Warlord Resin)
1 Mounted herald (Warlord Resin)
Alisdair Mac Colla and 2 bodyguards (Warlord Resin)
Plastic bases
Full-colour flag sheet


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